About Us

About Guide to literature !!

This website  focuses on providing quality notes to the students of Masters level. It was founded on 30th of  July ,2014. The idea behind the creation of site is to help its readers with the all subjects of Masters in English Literature and Linguistics. .The objectives of this site are :
·         To Provide quality and innovative content
·         To avoid  monetizing methods (like: pop up ads) that may disturb our readers.
·         Provide useful stuffs related with the studies of my readers.

About Admin !!

Thanks mate for landing at our About us page. The person behind Guidetoliterature is Musfira Rehman. After doing my Masters from NUML I  thought to put all notes in one website so the students don't have to run here and there for the notes .In my personal life, I am a fun loving guy and I love spending more and more time with my friends.  We have started communicating, so why don’t we take a step forward towards our friendship ? I will help you wherever I can, I promise. All you have to do is connect with me on my facebook

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